United States Lacrosse
Homepage: /
Rules and regulations: Women’s division: /rules/womens-rules.aspx
Men’s Division: /rules/mens-rules.aspx
Boy’s Rules: /the_sport/
Girls’ Rules: /rules/girls-rules
Founded in January 1, 1998, the US Lacrosse is a product of a three-year initiative to unify the country’s various lacrosse organizations. This unification aims to pool human and financial resources, and maximize the effectiveness of efforts to promote the sport. The resulting organization, US Lacrosse, is a combination of contributions and efforts of various independent institutions such as the Lacrosse Foundation, the United States Women’s Lacrosse Association, the National Junior Lacrosse Association, the United States Lacrosse Officials Association, United States Lacrosse Coaches Association, United States Club Lacrosse Association, the Central Atlantic Lacrosse League and National Intercollegiate Lacrosse Officials Association.
US Lacrosse now serves as the primary organization offering programs and information services to its national members and thousands of lacrosse enthusiasts in the country. To date, US Lacrosse boasts of over 160,000 players, coaches, officials, and enthusiasts.