Click on the football layout, or the links below for printable or downloadable (PDF) regulation High School Football Field Dimension Diagrams.
Field Dimensions - High School:
The dimensions of
a regulation High School football
field are essentially the same as a
professional field with the exception
of the Hash Marks and Goal Posts
Dimensions - High School
High School Overall
football field dimensions are as
Length: 360 feet
or 120 yards
Width: 160 feet or 53
1/3 yards
End Zone:
High School end zones are 10
yards deep.
End Line:
A six foot end line border marks the back of the end zone.
Field Numbers:
Sideline field numbers are 6 foot high
by 4 foot wide designating each 10 yard line
Restraining Line:
The restraining line is a 6’ line
along the side lines that designate the closest
non-players can be to the field.
Team Benches:
Team benches are placed along the Restraining Line between the 30 yard markers
Hash Marks:
Hash marks measurements for High School
are 53 feet 4 inches wide and that same distance
from the edge of the sidelines
High School hashmarks are wider than the NFL
(18' 6") and NCAA (40').
Goal Posts:
Another measurement that varies
by level of play includes the goal posts. Goal
post measurements for High School are 10 feet
high and 23 feet 4 inches wide.
The goal posts are also wider for High Schoolers
than College and the NFL (both 18' 6")